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And So Ends the Karening Blog

I think the time has come to say goodbye to this little blog experiment and move on to other things. I started this to document my job...

A Silly Poem

When life gets overwhelming And you don't know what to do Go outside and hug a tree Act like a cow and moo When life seems bleak and...

Sheep with a View

Today we drove to the Peak District and hiked in the hills. It didn't rain but it was a typical grey, damp British day. I've finally...


Today was a great day on the encouragement front. I had planned to attend a free training at 1:00 pm on the changes that are going to be...

Stop Procrastinating and A Walk in the Woods

I listened to an anti-procrastination pep talk yesterday and followed the advice and it worked! Shockingly I managed to get everything...

Check it Out!

I finally did it! My website is live. Check it out Please give feedback (nicely) as it's been a rough couple days...

Create vs. Consume

I read a challenge a couple days ago, to create more than I consume. I've been contemplating how I can incorporate this in my life and...

Quotes and Walking in the Woods

I'm back reading my Kristina Karlsson Book, Your Dream Life Starts Here. The chapter I read today was all about using quotes to inspire...


Today was a soggy rainy day. I struggle this time of year to stay motivated. I need sunshine to feel properly awake and England in winter...

Wallowing and IKEA

Amity and Isla decided to be helpful and build some of the IKEA furniture. Sadly we managed to lose 6 screws somehow. As I wasn't in the...

Incremental Change

I'm still feeling a little overwhelmed by all the tasks I have to get through but I am making progress even though it sometimes feels...

The Struggle is Real

I spent over two hours today trying to do something on my website and can't figure out how so I have to phone the helpline tomorrow. I...

IKEA Again

I had big plans for today. I was going to launch my new website and end my blog on a high of 100 days of Karening. However things did not...

Not Perfect

Today I spent a lot longer than I anticipated trying to figure out things on my website and setting up G-suite which I didn't know...

Fears and Getting Things Wrong

I think I'm learning that one of the most necessary qualities for starting a business, is the willingness to get it wrong. You have to be...

Oh, I Do Like to be Beside the Seaside

Today we drove to the beach! Amity has been stuck inside our house for 14 days due to being in contact with someone who tested positive...


I connected with a lovely lady today through the Christian business community I joined. She is also a member of APDO (Association of...

Being a Karen

Day 95. I can't believe I've been writing this blog for 95 days. Crazy. Time moves so fast. I started it without a clue when I was still...

A Short One

Tonight I joined a zoom meeting for members of the APDO where they were talking about national organising week which is coming up the...

Highly Sensitive Person

I have been reading today about highly sensitive people (HSP's) and I really think I fall into this category. If you think you might too,...

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