Tonight I joined a zoom meeting for members of the APDO where they were talking about national organising week which is coming up the first week in November. The people were so lovely and it has inspired me to get my butt in gear and get my business off the ground by then so I can participate in the social media foray. I will have to be more productive than I was today to pull it off but it was energising and exciting so hopefully I can sustain my motivation.
The energising bit has already worn off and it's late so I'm going to leave you with this quote for today which I stole off Facebook. Sadly I have no idea who wrote it but I thought it was worth sharing.
"May you never be the reason why someone who loves to sing, doesn't anymore. Or why someone who dressed so differently now wears standard clothing. Or why someone who always spoke of their dreams so wildly is now silent about them. May you never be the reason of someone giving up on a part of them because you were demotivating, non-appreciative or even worse, sarcastic about it."
My photo for today is of sunset in Santorini, where I was this time last year. This picture reminded me I am feeling the need for some sea and sand in my world and the restorative power of nature.
Follow your dream!! Don't ever give up. By God's grace you will succeed. I know because He helped me realise my dreams, especially when I committed them to Him.