I think the time has come to say goodbye to this little blog experiment and move on to other things. I started this to document my job search when I found myself out of work back at the end of July. It's been 112 days of writing every day (which I'm rather proud of) but as I've now figured out what I'm going to do and set up my business (www.beautyandorder.uk). I think I really need to focus my energy and efforts on writing for that rather than spewing more drivel out into the world of the inner workings of my brain.
It's funny how much changes in a year, or even in 100 days. Looking back I can see how things started shifting back in January when I picked my word for this year, which was consistency. It was almost like I was being prepared to embark on a new adventure. 116 days ago, I started meditating every day for 20 minutes. I've never tried meditation before, aside from prayer which I know is a form of it. But I decided to try it and see what happened. I have done it consistently every day since then and can honestly say it's been life-changing. It's where I got the idea to start this blog, and it's often where I feel impressed to explore new options or reach out to friends or connections for advice and help. I love it and it's one of my favourite parts of my day. I listen to music and use the time for prayer as well, and I've found it so beneficial. I highly recommend it. If you want to try it, I use this one (the meditation starts at about 10 minutes 47 but it's interesting to listen to all of it the first time.
I've learned a lot about myself during the last 112 days. I've also shared way more than most of you probably ever wanted to know about my thought processes and what I want to do with my life. I have loved writing and sharing and I'm a little sad to stop but I think it's time to move on from my Karening a career experiment and start writing for things that might actually make me some money in future. I'd love to have you follow along my business journey if you want to sign up for my business blog on www.beautyandorder.uk. I'm going to be blogging about organising and simplifying life on there. At least that's the plan anyway.
I'm also going to play about a bit with some photography ideas I have and try and make some products using my photos. I'm not 100% sure where I'm going yet, but I'm feeling positive about the future. Thanks to everyone who's followed along on these little posts of mine. You're all awesome people and I'm so grateful to have you in my life and appreciate you taking the time out of your day to read my piffle.
Today's quote partly catalysed me around the world and was one I wrote in my diary days before I made the decision to move to South Korea. I still love it and I hope it inspires you as well. "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. – Maria Robinson
My photo for today is me waving goodbye to this blog and moving on to other things. I didn't get a job as a Karen, but I did start a business which I think is a win for me, now I just need to go out there and kick butt at it.