Today was a soggy rainy day. I struggle this time of year to stay motivated. I need sunshine to feel properly awake and England in winter is not exactly a barrel of sun. Tonight our clocks go back and we head into the dark months. Although I like holing up at home and sitting by the fire with candles and hot chocolate, I struggle to actually get up and be productive when there's so little daylight. Some days it doesn’t seem like it gets light at all. It's dark when I wake up and then grey and then dark again. I could quite happily hibernate from the end of October till March. I don't know how people who live in countries further north survive. I wish I could live in England in the Summer and South Africa in our winter which would be their summer.
I met up with a friend I hadn't seen for ages today and it was so lovely to see her. We met in between our houses at a big lake and we walked around part of it. It was so windy it felt like we were going to get blown over and it ended up being freezing as we sat outside drinking tea from ridiculous takeaway cups that burned your hands. It wasn't weather I would normally go for a walk in, but it was great to be outside in it, have good conversation and let the wind clear my head a bit.
In January this year, I did a challenge where I ran at least a mile every day for the month. I ended up with shin splints as my body was just like, "what the heck?" I'm not exactly a runner and those who know me, know I never was and probably never will be. I stopped running to let my legs recover (they still hurt so not sure what's going on there) but I think I might do the challenge again, but walking this time. There's something about going outside in the cold mornings that's good for my soul. Perhaps it will help me get through the dark winter months without feeling the need to hibernate.
Here's a little poem about what happened in my weather world today
Rain, lashing against the window
Rhythmic drops pouring from a blanket grey sky
Wind whipping trees into new shapes
And skittering leaves across the garden
Colours suspended for a moment
Dancing in the soggy air
My quote for today is "Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, leave the rest to God." Ronald Reagan
My photo for today is me freezing myself outside.