Today I spent a lot longer than I anticipated trying to figure out things on my website and setting up G-suite which I didn't know existed until earlier this week. It does some rather exciting things which I got a little side-tracked playing with and have noted to come back to when I have time to learn. I think my biggest challenge is figuring out what to focus on now and what to come back to in the future, or probably most important, what to let go entirely. I do feel like I'm getting better at this although the improvement is sometimes imperceptibly small.
I'm in a Monday night book club which is such a blessing. We are reading an interesting book at the moment called Honesty Over Silence. In the chapter we read for this week, the author Patrick Regan, writes about the Bible story of Gideon where God came and told Gideon, who wasn't anyone special, that he would lead an army to victory. He was like, "What, Me?" and then Regan says, "I love God's response to Gideon's questioning: 'Go in the strength that you have.' In other words, 'You are not perfect, you are not the finished article, but that's OK. Go as you are, weak as you feel; it will be enough because I am with you.' That's why God uses people like Gideon and people like you and me -- imperfect people who know they don't have a hope of doing very much in their own strength, but who know they can depend on their perfect God. The promise God gave Gideon is the same promise He gives to His people throughout the Bible: 'I will be with you.'
He goes on remind us that God is not asking for perfection, he can see our imperfections and loves us regardless. God doesn't look at us and say we're not good enough to be used by Him. He just needs us to be willing, but if we're waiting to be perfect first, it's never going to happen.
This was a great reminder to me today as I start this adventure into the unknown. Will this business actually work? Will it take me in a whole other direction? Who will I connect with? What exciting new things will I learn about myself, the world, God? What fabulous organising techniques and tools are out there waiting to be discovered? I can't answer any of these questions yet, but I'm confident that it's going to be an interesting year ahead, no matter what happens because I'm heading in a new direction.
My quote for today is one I read today in a book called Productivity Ninja. I'm really enjoying it so far but I'm only 9% of the way through according to my kindle. "Joining a Facebook group about productivity is like buying a chair about jogging." --Merlin Mann
My photo for today is of me with long grey hair, a straw hat and sunglasses, because why not?