I'm back reading my Kristina Karlsson Book, Your Dream Life Starts Here. The chapter I read today was all about using quotes to inspire you. If you've read any of my blog, you know how much I love a good quote! She listed a whole bunch of fabulous ones in her book and then challenged the reader to find more quotes that resonate with them. This was not a hard exercise for me. I have over 1000 quotes saved on Pinterest and I have hundreds on this computer. I need to find a creative way to display them all in my house though. I want to make a quote wall where I cover a wall with hundreds of quotes. I have thought about just writing them directly onto the wall but I'm too chicken to do that in case I mess up and then it would annoy me so much I'd have to paint over them. There has to be a way for me to do it though that works and is fun and interesting and doesn't cost the earth. As usual, I'm overthinking how to accomplish it.
I didn't work on my website today as I had to do some other work for a charity we're part of. I did get some other stuff finalised including figuring out the next steps I need to take and planning my week so I can get the important stuff done and not get lost in the details. I really wish I was a doer rather than a dreamer some days. It's great being in my own brain world thinking of all the things I could do and where I could take ideas. The problem is I get stuck there and then the action I need to take is delayed. The annoying thing is even though I know this, I still find it hard to change this behaviour. It's like I'm on some kind of hamster wheel and need to get off to do the doing bit but I'm stuck just spinning in circles.
We went for a walk this afternoon up to Belmont Tower which has an amazing view across the countryside. It was so beautiful as all the leaves were changing and there were fields of cows, sheep and deer in the distance. I took my proper camera and was looking forward to taking photos. Annoyingly, I forgot to put the memory card in and so ended up carrying it with no way to take pictures. I had to use my phone instead, but still got some nice shots. I don't love the early nights but I do like the lighting this time of year.
It's movie night tonight in our house, so I'm looking forward to snuggling up with my family on the couch, eating cinnamon rolls and drinking hot chocolate. I'm also hoping to go to bed early.
My quote for today is "Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears." Richard Wilkins.
My photo for today is of me enjoying the woods.