My interview went well today. I had a great chat with two lovely women who work for the company and it really sounds like a fabulous place to work. It's for a position as a home carer which is not something I've ever really thought about doing before but was on my list of things I would do for free for people so I thought I'd apply and see where it went. I was very honest with them and we left it that I would go away and think about whether it's a good fit for me.
I have decided these things are important to me when it comes to work. I want to work part-time so I can still spend time with the girls. Ideally I only want to work 2-3 days a week so I have time to eat cake and drink coffee with friends or my parents and do some creative stuff as well. I want to work for a company that I'm proud to work for, that I would recommend to my friends and family. I want to do a job where I think I can add value and that gives me a sense of accomplishment. I want to work somewhere that encourages their employees to progress and learn and helps them to do this. I want to do a job that challenges me to go outside my comfort zone. And obviously I want a job where my name is not going to cause a problem. The older generation probably won't have heard of the Karen meme at least which is a plus. Ooo, I could ask people to pronounce my name Care-en instead. This company can offer me all of these things, but I'm still slightly hesitant. I'm trying to figure out if it's just because I haven't been working since March and the thought of going to work anywhere fills me with slight panic, or if it's something deeper than that.
I listened to a great podcast today--How to Fail with Elizabeth Day, and she was interviewing Glennon Doyle. She talks about Googling advice from the internet about whether she should leave her husband and then realising how sad it was to go to Google for that kind of advice. She realised that only she could discover what she wanted to do in that situation. I feel a bit like that. I've googled so much information in the last 16 days. There's zillions of people out there willing to sell me ideas and systems to help me figure out what I want to do, but the only person who can really figure it out is me with God's help. So I'm going to take a few days to pray it through and see how I feel on Monday. Should Karen be a carer? To care or not to care, that is the question.