Being British involves a certain amount of tea drinking. I am more of a coffee person but lately I have also started drinking tea. Not normal English Breakfast type tea, although I do have a cup of that every once in a while (usually when I'm over at my parents as tea made by someone else always tastes better). I've started drinking herbal teas, fruit infusions and rooibos. I don't drink caffeine as I find I sleep better, and behave better without it (it makes me angry for some reason). But I do love a good cup of tea. My daughter Amity just brought me a cup of lemon and ginger tea in my amazing T2 mug and I love it. I love the fact that my 10 year old knows how to brew a perfect cup of tea and often makes me one just because she knows it brings me joy.
Tea making is a simple pleasure. There's something about loose tea that I love. I love the boxes my tea comes in, and the little overpriced bamboo spoons that I use to measure the tea out with. I love how the boiling water sounds as it pours over the tea leaves. I love my tea pots and my T2 mug with the strainer insert and matching lid. I love the smell of the tea before I take the fist sip, and I love sitting quietly and drinking it mindfully.
Sometimes when I feel overwhelmed with the whole job search, new career, being a Karen part of my life, I just make a cup of tea and everything feels better. This is me, my tea, and zen Karen.
This Karen is going for another interview on Thursday for the carer position. At least I know if I get it, I'll be able to make people cups of tea. What a joyous thing to get paid for.