There's something about the ocean that I love. Today I spent three hours scrolling through photographs and found photos of my favourite sea view ever. It's in South Africa in the West Coast National Park not far from Cape Town. We went there almost exactly a year ago today and there is this amazing view of the Atlantic Ocean where you can feel the force and power of the waves. It was slightly terrifying and stunningly beautiful. The roar, the foam, the spray--it made me feel very small and yet also very alive. I want to go back!
The UK does have some beautiful beaches, it's just you can't guarantee the weather here and its rarely warm enough to swim in the sea. There is something so therapeutic about walking down a beach and it's been a year now since I've felt the sand between my toes. I'm thinking I need to get in my car and drive to our nearest beach. When I compare the closest beach here to some of the amazing beaches I've been able to visit in life, it's rather sad. Our closest beach is a place called Skegness and it is consistently rated the worst beach in England. I haven't actually been there since I was a child as the reputation is so bad, I haven't bothered since moving back to the UK. I'm sure it can't be so horrendous and as long as I can get fish and chips and hear the waves, I think it will probably work as a small fix till I can get to somewhere more beautiful.
"We know only too well that what we are doing is nothing more than a drop in the ocean. But if the drop were not there, the ocean would be missing something.” – Mother Teresa.
I think maybe I like the ocean so much because it reminds me that although each drop of water is seemingly insignificant it is part of something powerful and amazing and beautiful. Our lives are like that too. Although we sometimes feel insignificant and like we can't make a difference, we are all part of a bigger story--something much larger than ourselves. When I stand on the sand and look at the vastness of the sea, I am reminded of a God who holds the whole universe together. I am reminded of creativity and power and relentless love. Standing on the sand is a prayer and it's good for my soul.
Today's photo is from the West Coast National Park and the powerful Atlantic Ocean.