I'm missing my sisters today. Apparently I misquoted yesterday and it was actually my sister Jen who gave me the advice to think about where I would volunteer, not Ruth. They are both so wise, it's hard to remember who gives me what advice! Normally I get to spend about six weeks a year with my sister Jen as her family comes to visit from America each summer. Annoyingly Corona meant she couldn't come this year. I was thinking today that if it had been a "normal" summer, she would have been here and gone back to America already. It's the first time in 12 years they haven't spent the summer here and it stinks. Last summer Ruth and Jen were here at the same time so we had some fabulous sister time and in February I went to America and hung out with them just before the lockdown craziness. Sometimes you just need your sisters to give you objective advice and remind you that it's OK to just be you, even if your name is Karen.
In honour of my sisters, I just watched Sister Act. I love a bit of Whoopie Goldberg and haven't seen it for years. My kids have never watched it and I have been trying to get Isla to watch it with me for ages. She's 13 and loves to sing so I just didn't believe her when she said she thought she wouldn't like it. I'd forgotten how relevant it is to finding your place in the world and making the most of the talents that God gives you, at least that's what I got out of it today. Plus it's just a joy filled feel good movie and I needed a bit of extra joy today.
I also thought I should honour Jen and Ruth by exploring the volunteering option as I've credited it to both of them now, so I emailed a contact I had and offered to volunteer while I'm figuring out what else to do with my life. The lady came back to me that she would love some help and we are planning to meet up next week. Perhaps volunteering will help me figure out what I want to do, or at least more of what I don't want to do. In the meantime I'm going to keep taking advice from my sisters.
(I also have an amazing brother, Phil, who I don't want to leave out as he also gives great advice. He will feature in another post as he didn't fit quite so well with the whole Sister Act thing; although he did recently feature on Facebook with full makeup! I'll leave you with a photo of that to brighten up your day.
