I feel like I've had a pretty productive week overall and today I took a significant leap and signed up for the Association of Professional Declutters and Organisers (APDO)--my first big step towards setting the business up officially. I created a basic website yesterday on Squarespace but now have to figure out some of the more complex settings to get a blog to work and to link it with Mailchimp etc.. There's so much to learn that it is a little overwhelming at times but I'm enjoying it and feel like I'm actually getting somewhere which is exciting.
I'm re-reading a book that I love called Live Before You Die. I've read it before but not for a few years and it's one of the books I haven't parted with as it's a life-changing book. I tend to only keep books that I feel have changed my life in some way or books I know I'll come back to. Right at the beginning, on page 3, it says, "You must understand that the purpose of your existence is not to achieve your own happiness or success. . .Your role is to advance a cause greater than yourself. The ripples your life produces will continue to impact the world for better or worse far beyond your earthly existence, but your life will only be as meaningful as what it propels forward." He was equating our lives to being like a rocket booster for a shuttle and how we are all here for something bigger than ourselves.
I want to make sure I build my business on the values and principles that are important to me and I am going to print them out and post them in my "office" that I don’t actually have. I'll have to find a wall in my house that I can dedicate to my business vision board. I know I'm only going to be running a tiny little business but I do want to run it with excellence, authenticity and in a way that people I meet will know that I truly care about them.
I've already listed a quote, but I'm picking another one for my quote for today. This is from the Children's book, The Good Thieves by Katherine Rundell. I LOVE all her books and I nicked this one from Isla and am reading it before I go to sleep. "Look it up! Learn it! Learn as much as you can, for learning is the very opposite of death" p. 16
My photo for today is of me reading, because I do love a good book.