It is sometimes difficult for me to get from the goal setting stage to goal achieved stage. Michael Hyatt (author and productivity amazingness) who I love, shares 4 ways to do this.
Step 1. Outline what would have to be true. Ask yourself, "What would have to be true for me to achieve this goal?" I'm looking to get my website up and running for my business. The first thing that comes to mind for this question, is I have to actually spend time every day working on the site. I need to figure out what I don't know how to do and then find people who do know how to help me. Without focussed time, this goal will not happen.
Step 2. Decide what you can do to affect the outcome. Once you know what has to be true, you can start checking off tasks. You need to focus on specific daily actions. This is where I get stuck. I sometimes wallow in the vague I have a big idea phase, and don't break it down into the small actionable steps. I am going to start by spending at least 45 minutes a day working on the site. I need to make a list of all the things I still need to do and work through it methodically and logically.
Step 3. Set a deadline for yourself. Yikes, I don't like the thought of that one but I do work better to deadlines, so I'll have to make myself a fake deadline to get my website up and running. I signed up for a 14 day trial, so ideally I would have it working by the end of that but I think I'm cutting that a bit close, so I'm going to set a deadline of Monday the 5th of October to have a functional working website. Perhaps not with all the features, but one that I can share with the world.
Step 4. Review your goals daily. I think I'll be OK with this one. I am getting in the habit of having a think about my day in the evenings but I may have to be a bit more focussed to ensure I have taken actual action steps, rather than just vague "I thought about doing something" steps.
Hyatt also suggests setting a timer for five minutes and knocking out as many actions as possible before it goes off. According to him, some people accomplish as many as ten of tasks during that time. I'm not sure I'd be able to accomplish even one in that short space of time, but I am going to give it a try as I might surprise myself.
My quote for today is just a random world quote from the great Anonymous, "A goal without a date, is just a dream."
My photo for today is of me reading Michael Hyatt's book, Your Best Year Ever. I have a strange feeling I might have used this quote and mentioned this book before but I have to admit my posts are all running together in my head but if so, they were worth coming back to.
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