It's so interesting to me how all of life is a just a series of interactions and conversations and how sometimes just a "normal" conversation can actually change the trajectory of your whole life. It fascinates me that you never really know when you might have one of those conversations and sometimes they don't seem so amazing at the time, but later on you can look back and see the impact they have.
I've had a few conversations like that in life and it's amazing how much one interaction changes everything. At the beginning of lockdown I chatted with my friend Debbie Dingjan-Jones who also happens to be an amazing life-coach. She asked me a few things that seemed to unlock a door in my brain and now everything is pouring out. It started as a slow drip but definitely was a conversation that catalysed this whole job search/career hunt journey. So thank you Debbie and if anyone needs a coach for any reason I can highly recommend her and Bisser (who I wrote about yesterday). Life-changing people.
Just thinking quickly about these types of conversations, I can see how a random phone call from my friend Geoff McRae spun my life off into going to Korea. A greedy request (from me) for some fudge lead to me marrying the most amazing man. A random conversation at the end of a camping weekend with Kristina Hammond and Sara Shepherd resulted in us moving our family to Grantham. Seemingly insignificant conversations with so much significance.
As a Christian I believe that God works in our lives, in our relationships, our random encounters and our daily conversations. It's so amazing how He uses community and friends to show us new ideas and directions in life. Today I'm just grateful for all the people God has put in my life who have spoken words that have encouraged me, challenged me and literally changed everything.
My quote for today is a spot of poetry from Byron. "But words are things, and a small drop of ink, Falling like dew, upon a thought, produces That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think." —George Gordon, Lord Byron
My photo for today is my daughter Amity reminding me that words have power.