It's the last day of September already and only 86 days till Christmas. It’s hard to believe this year is going by so fast. It almost feels like it's going faster than normal years and I'm now on the 80th day of this weird documentation of the goings on inside my brain. Sometimes it feels like I've come a long way and I definitely feel like I'm in a different place than I was at the beginning but I guess I was hoping to have something more concrete figured out by now but I'm not sure I'm ever going to end up with concrete. I think I'll be more likely to have something more fluid like finger paint.
The world is a strange place at the moment and it seems like there's so much pain and heartache all around. Thanks to my encouraging and inspirational friend, Cathy, I have been reading from the Bible this week in Exodus which is the story of Moses leading a whole bunch of people out of Egypt in a rather spectacular fashion. She sent me Exodus 31:1-6 as a text earlier in the week and I felt impressed to read the first 6 verses of every chapter in Exodus and just think about the verses and what God might be trying to say to me personally through them. I'm only up to chapter 6 at the moment but am already having some really interesting insights into how God works in life and through difficult situations. In the first chapter, of the story Moses is leading his sheep around in the wilderness and that's where he meets God. It is often in the most challenging, lonely, remote wilderness times in life when we encounter God. God shows up and reminds us that he sees us, that he knows us by name and he is more than able to help us through the difficult situations. Moses was just doing his ordinary job, guiding sheep around to find food, when he meets God. I think God shows up in our ordinary too. Although my ordinary isn't as tranquil sounding as leading sheep and the thought of being out in an actual wilderness right about now is quite appealing. I do love a bit of wild nature and the sound of bleating sheep. I'm grateful that God shows up in my ordinary and reminds me that he's got everything under control.
I think this is one of the hardest things to learn as humans. There's an innate desire in us to control things and it's when I feel like things are getting out of control that I struggle the most. Perhaps that's why I'm drawn to organising, because it's a form of controlling things and the environment around me. God comes into the chaos time and time again in the Bible and restores a sense of calm and order. That speaks to me as I know I need Him to help me sort my chaotic mind into something that makes sense, even if it's only to myself.
Tonight's quote is from a little side note in my Bible, "We need not worry about who we are, what we can do, what we cannot do, or anything else. The great "I AM" strengthens us in our weaknesses. As long as He is with us, we can do whatever we need to do. Be more concerned about who God is than you are about who you are." --Joyce Meyer
My photo for today is of one of my sofa sloths. Randomly you got a free sloth with your furniture when we bought our couch. We didn't receive ours so I phoned up, as who doesn't want a sofa sloth? They sent another one and then about 6 weeks later, the first one showed up so now we have two of these fabulous friends who sit in our living room and watch us with their sloth-like smiles. I love them.