My 10 year old, Amity, is having to do school at home for two weeks as two of her classmates have tested positive for Corona. They are learning about Hinduism and she had to write a little presentation to describe their main beliefs. I suggested she watch a YouTube video designed for kids which explained the main points. I went upstairs to do something, and she came running up with the laptop. "Mummy, they're making fun of "Karens" in this video." It was a random, British video about a religion and they threw in a Karen joke. Totally bizarre.
I've seen quite a few "Karen" themed things lately. The Karen's United group I'm in on Facebook was in uproar over a Karen colouring book that has come out where you colour in angry Karen's asking to speak to the manager. There are Karen Halloween masks and even an angry looking Karen doll. The Karen's United group wants to hold a Karen convention in Karen Texas when Corona permits it, where all the Karen's from across the world can come and hang out together. If they pull that off, I'm actually going to try and go. It's close to where my sister Ruth lives and what a fabulous idea, to have 1000's of Karen's in one place.
I think perhaps I should jump on the Karen bandwagon and create a Karen app. I was thinking it could be a "help me speak to the manager" app but I'm more likely to be apologising to the manager than complaining so it would have to take the whole thing in another direction entirely. Or I could just copy my brain and take it in 75 directions with a choose your own confusion type of vibe. I'm sure there's some money to be made in there somewhere. This paragraph has just made me miss those choose your own adventure books. I LOVED them as a child. I always used to try out all the possible outcomes, which is what I'd love to do now before I make a firm decision about anything. I'd love to try out different career options and see which ones I make a success of and which ones tank.
If anyone fancies a Karen mask, I'll be happy to provide a prototype and you are more than welcome to wear it on Halloween.
My quote for today is an Oscar Wilde one, "I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying."
My photo is of me as a broccoli. I think this might be my look for Halloween this year.