My brother Phil, sent me this today, "A thought can be changed! And so can a fast. Get back to your emails and out of the past." As probably one of the few people who reads my blog on a daily basis, I think he's desperately willing me to write something of value again and he rightly pointed out that the fast from self-helpy things is only good if it's actually helping me. I decided that I would stop fasting from everything and just be more selective about what I absorb. After making that decision, I felt like a whole world of possibility opened up again.
I have decided that I'm OK with being a person who consumes a lot of information. I think perhaps on some level, I need it to survive, it's part of who I am. I am still going to make sure that I'm looking to God first for answers, but there are a lot of really beneficial things out there to read and take in. I feel like I am made up of tiny fragments of books, wonderful sentences of wisdom, sometimes a bit jumbled, but all layered together as part of who I am. I have read life-changing books where words have literally changed my whole direction or opened my eyes to things I need to change about myself. Fasting from such richness, doesn't seem very beneficial anymore and I think the brief benefit I experienced was fleeting and perhaps a 17 day fast was enough. I don't like to give up on things I decide to do, but I am a firm believer in re-evaluating things, and I think it was time for that particular experiment to come to an end.
So, I experienced a little rush of excitement and glee as I tuned into an online parenting seminar this afternoon. A seminar where I learned a lot of really helpful information about helping kids through periods of anxiety, something both my girls are experiencing more of lately. While listening, I learned that it's impossible for you to feel anxiety while you are being grateful and one of the best antidotes to anxiousness is gratefulness. I did a bit of sleuthing on the internet and found a more in-depth article that talks about the benefits of gratitude. I always knew that gratitude was good for you but didn't realise quite the extent of it. I now sense a new journal in my future, one where I can write down all the things I am grateful for.
Today I am grateful for brothers who send me wise words of advice, for sisters who challenge me to think differently, for my husband who loves me unconditionally, and encourages me when I'm feeling like a smaller version of myself. For my children who bring me more joy than I ever thought possible. For my parents who have always given me so much love and support, who are generous and loving and willing to put up with me living right next door. For my in-laws who have welcomed me into their family with open arms and still love me even though I'm the reason part of their family lives thousands of miles away. For God who shows me something new every day, who fills me with wonder and joy and the expectation that even when things look dark, a better day is coming.
My quote for today is “Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” – Anonymous
My photo for today is of my husband Phil in his dog mask which is slightly disconcerting and makes me laugh.