My quote for today is by Albert Einstein: "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." Sometimes I feel like a fish that hasn't found her stream yet although I do think I'm heading down the tree in the right direction and the smell of water is in the wind.
I'm making sure I do something every day towards learning new skills, or trying to sell the ones I've got. Today I watched a seminar on money and finance as that's an area I tend to avoid although ironically almost every job I've had has involved finance in some way or another. I have a love hate relationship with accounting. On one hand I love how organised it is, how everything balances and the order of it. On the other hand I hate how organised it is and that things have to do be done a certain way. That's my brain being opposite itself again.
I stumbled upon a great free resource from Behance called the Creative Self Workbook. I haven't finished working through it all yet but so far it's helping me figure out more about what skills I have and how I might be able to use them in a way that I enjoy and also makes money.
I also applied for a virtual job with a lady who's blog I follow in America. It's highly unlikely I'll get hired because she wants someone close to North Carolina but it's only a flight away and perhaps she'd like to do her meetings in London instead or maybe we could meet in the middle in Iceland (I wish). I applied because she asked candidates to take a personality test and the Enneagram test and send the results with their application. I really want to work for someone who is interested in the personality makeup of the people she's hiring. I find all of that stuff so fascinating and how building a great team of people takes all sorts--not just choosing people like yourself. If anyone is interested in the Enneagram test you can take it here.
Today's photo is of me making a fish face because everyone wants to hire people who are multi-talented. I'm sure my chin never used to scrunch up like that when I made this face as a child!