I decided to contact the carer position company and see if the post was still available and if I could officially apply. The "interview" I had sort of ended up just being a chat about what I wanted to do with my life, so we left it that I would contact them if I wanted to pursue the position further. I heard back that they would be happy to have me officially apply and will set up a new interview. So I now have something clear I'm working towards which is exciting and a little terrifying. Obviously I still have to get offered the job, so we'll see how it all pans out but I think no matter what I'm going to learn something which is always a good thing.
I read a great quote that I annoyingly can't find again but it basically said that time is so much more important than money as you can't earn more time so need to live in a way that allows you to do the things that matter most. I'm probably drawn to this quote as earning lots of money remains elusive in my world but spending time with the people I love the most is what I want to do. I want to spend my time connecting with my family and friends, exploring my creative side, writing, reading, taking photos, meeting friends, drinking coffee and eating cake. I want meaningful work that allows me to build connections with inspirational people and I want a job that allows me to make an impact on the world in some small but meaningful way. I think this carer job, if I get it, can give me all of those things.
So today I'm feeling grateful for my family and friends, for my morning message of encouragement from my mother-in-law, for a chance to re-interview for a job, for neighbours who take the time to have a chat when I'm out for a walk, for friends who message me ideas for jobs and links to inspirational videos, for my Monday book club peeps, for my kids who encourage me in so many ways, for Phil who is the best husband I could ask for, for my cake and coffee friends, and for my siblings who make me laugh and are always there for me. I accidentally butt dialled them all in a group chat yesterday and they all answered, even though both my sisters live in America and it was like 4:00 in the morning there. I panicked as I heard the phone ringing when I hadn't meant to call anyone so just hit the end button as you do in case you're phoning the plumber or someone random by accident. They all answered and sleepily tried to figure out who had called who and what the emergency was. With great generosity I have been forgiven. It was is so lovely to know that they are there for me even at crazy o'clock.
Today's photo is me sharing a happy selfie moment with an awesome alpaca, another thing I hope to incorporate into my life (alpacas, not selfies). My daughter Amity said when I took this photo, everyone should be able to hug an alpaca everyday. I totally agree.