It's Sunday so I'm back to reading Kristina Karlsson's Your Dream Life Starts Here book. Today she recommended an online values determination test that was actually really insightful. It's by Dr John Demartini, who aside from having a really cool name, is a performance and behaviour specialist. If you're interested in taking the test you can find it here.
I found out that I value all things creative as number one and then relationships, reading and learning, self-improvement, work and God. It was an interesting exercise and it's a pretty cool site as it saves your results so you can go back and take the test again and see if how your values change over time. It also made me realise that there are some things I need to shift the focus to and not everything I currently value is what I actually want to value.
I can only work on this book in short segments and then I have to mull them over for a few days. I think this is the most interesting exercise I've done so far, even more interesting than the personality tests. I do like a good self-analysis tool.
Today was also my mum's birthday and I'm reminded that family and relationships are definitely one of my biggest values. I am so blessed that my parents live right next door to us and that we got to celebrate her birthday today. I'm hoping that I get to hang out with my mum for many more years and she'll eventually see me figure out what to be when I grow up.
My quote for today is another one by Kristina Karlsson: "You can choose to find and follow passions and you can also choose to move away from things you don't love - things that sap your spirit rather than giving you energy and joy."
My photo for today is of my lovely mum and her birthday cake.