So I had a pretty productive feeling day today from a job hunt standpoint. I was challenged by my lovely friend Kirsty to write my CV in creative and exciting ways rather than just think about it in a conventional way. I thought this was great advice so I had a bit of a play.
She made a recommendation to think about what God would put on a CV about me. I took an hour and wrote out a CV based on God's recommendation and it was a really powerful exercise for me. If you're ever stuck, this is a great way to open up your mind to possibilities. I found it profound and inspiring. That exercise helped me move on to the more conventional version and I managed to get my CV up to a standard that I'm happy with although I'm sure there is plenty of room for improvement. I'm going to keep going with her creative suggestions though as they are helping me think about my skills in a new and exciting way.
One of the options is to write it based on what other people say about me. I asked the kids what skills they thought I had and they came up with "feeding the cats" so I guess I could include nurturing and life-giving. I was like, seriously, is that all you can think of? If any of you have a word or phrase about me that you think I could include, please let me know as my CV by other people is a bit sparse at the minute. I think I should make a vuvuzela video version and blast my CV on YouTube. Not sure that would work but I think video CV's should be a thing. Perhaps I'll create a Karen video CV and incorporate a bunch of memes so people "can't get me out of their head."
I also watched a Marie Forleo video on YouTube where she interviews Mally Roncal who's a makeup artist. If you're not familiar with Marie Forleo, I really like her as she's authentic and seems like a great person to have coffee and cake with. My quote for today comes from her, "If you’ve ever felt too loud, too quiet, too weird, or too anything, remember this: the most important ingredient to just about anything you do is quite simply YOU. You're a one-time mega event in the universe. Don't waste it."
I guess I just need to keep exploring my uniqueness and embrace being Karen with all the weird and wonderful that goes with that.
