I just wasted 1 hour and 40 minutes watching the 2020 version of the Secret Garden. What a disappointment! I absolutely love the book and the 1993 version of the movie is beautiful but honestly the best thing about this one was the song at the end during the credits. Isla and I cringed our way through it. I had moments when I wanted to speak to the manager.
I don't know of any movie I like better than the book. I do find it interesting to see what other people see in their minds when they interpret a story, but I like being able to imagine things as I read, rather than have them there for me to just absorb.
My brother, sent me a great quote today by Veronika Tugaleva who I googled because I had no idea who she is. According to Google she is "an award-winning author, poet, spoken word artist, vocalist, wanderer, visual artist, and seeker of beauty in all its forms. She loves getting lost, looking at the stars, dancing, and eating pickles". I think we'd be friends if I ever bumped into her. She says, "The most profound personal growth does not happen when reading a book or meditating on a mat (or I'll add, watching a movie). It happens in the throes of conflict--when you are angry, afraid, frustrated. It happens when you are doing the same old thing and suddenly your realise that you have a choice."
I recently read The Choice by Edith Eger, a great book that I highly recommend. Perhaps that's what has set me on this determined path to choose a new future. It's an exciting and slightly scary idea that I really do have a choice. At the moment, I can choose to do anything career-wise that I want. In some ways that choice is so overwhelming that I want to just binge watch Neflix, or even re-watch The Secret Garden. In other ways, it's an exciting adventure. I am sincerely hoping that I do end up doing something profound and interesting or this blog is going to have a very disappointing conclusion. I'm sure there will be lots of cringy moments along the way but perhaps at the end, I'll even be the manager.
Today's photo is Isla and I cringing. She's a lot more attractive with a cringe face. I just look like a slightly constipated Karen.
I love the cringe faces! Thanks for saving me from a disappointing movie.