Today was definitely one of those days when I was busy but didn't seem to accomplish a lot. Normally I would be listening to some podcast about productivity or business building or figuring out life while I do the everyday things like cleaning, driving home from dropping kids at school etc. Since I'm still mid-30 day challenge, it's been very quiet on the words front.
I'm not sure if this has been a good thing or a bad thing. I'm still trying to figure it out. I feel less productive and less motivated but perhaps more in touch with myself. I have deviated from my plan of action rather drastically as was supposed to have my website up and running today. I feel like I'm sliding backwards down a big hill and I'm not sure how I'm going to stop or what I'm going to crash into on the way down. I'm still not sure what to do about work and I spent a good couple hours today looking at options and then just feeling a bit discouraged.
I was trying to figure out today why I'm feeling so meh about everything. I honestly think I get like this anytime it starts getting dark before 7 pm. I hate the long dark evenings of winter here and the clocks haven't even gone back yet. Once we hit October though, my body starts craving hibernation and I really think I could quite happily just eat and sleep for the whole of winter. It doesn't help that two people in Amity's class at school have tested positive for Covid and now she has to just stay at home for the next two weeks and we are all just waiting to see if we get it. She's really anxious and finding it hard to do school work at home so needs a lot of mummy love.
I did manage to finish a random book I've been reading, Free Adventure: A Penniless Adventure the Length of Britain by George Mahood. I don't even know how I stumbled upon this book but it was free on Kindle Unlimited and I really enjoyed it. These two guys cycle bottom to top of our Island, from Land's End to John O'Groats in Scotland. They start their journey in just a pair of Union Jack boxers and depend on the kindness of strangers along the way for everything. They are not allowed to spend any money and it's completely fascinating how they manage to get bikes and find places to stay and eat on their 18.5 day journey. He's an entertaining writer and it has made me want to do some sort of adventure trip although I'd like to start in more than just my undies.
So I find myself on day 85 and still no clear answer on where I'm going but I'm hanging on to this quote which I'll take as my quote for today, “Sometimes it’s the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination.” – Drake.
My photo for today is of Amity at one of my all-time favourite places in the world, Art Jam, in Cape Town. It's an awesome paint your own canvas place and that wall of paint splatters is how my brain feels today. Creative, chaotic and a bit of a mess, but hopefully still beautiful. It's been over a year since we were there and I'm really wishing Corona would go away so we can go back and visit all our family. I fancy a bit of throwing paint at a wall. I think it would be good for my soul.