We're still camping and today my youngest, Amity, hurt her ankle really badly by getting stuck in a tree. She was in a lot of pain and ended up going home to stay with Grandma and Grandpa and Phil and Jeannette (my brother and sister-in-law) who happen to be staying at our house at the minute. She needed ice and a bandage and pain relief.
I watched a video the other day about how to stand out in a job search. It said you need to be the "aspirin" and figure out where the pain point is and how you can solve it. My 10 year old crying in pain reminded me of this today. After I had sorted her out with pain medicine, it made me think about what skills I have that can solve problems for other people.
If you fancy a pretty Trello board or a colour coded spreadsheet then I'm your Aspirin. If you want to ask loads of questions and brainstorm value management solutions on post-its, I'm your Aspirin. If you want your clothes "pillowed" and your books organised in rainbow colours, I'm your Aspirin. If you'd like some nature photography and advice on becoming more minimalistic, I'm your Aspirin. If you'd like a chat about life and to discuss a good book, then I'm your Aspirin. If you want a deep meaningful conversation about God, family or the world in general, then I'm your Aspirin. If you can put all these ideas together and give me a career I can monetize, then you're my Aspirin.
It's an interesting exercise and one I'm going to have a proper think about when I'm not sitting in a tent in a soggy field. What problems can I solve and who needs them solving? I think it might help me approach my job search from another angle.
I'm off to bed now to fall asleep to the sound of raindrops pelting the tent and to pray that I won't have to go to the toilet in the night.
Today's quote is I am sure it is a great mistake always to know enough to go in when it rains. One may keep snug and dry by such knowledge, but one misses a world of loveliness. - Adeline Knapp