I went for a walk with my friend Jo this week and we were talking about how much better we felt when we walked in nature. I was walking every other day during lockdown but since things have eased up I've been walking less and less and have really noticed the difference it makes to how I feel. I need to start walking more again.
Today I had the urge to go to the beach. Our closest beach is about an hour and a half away and it's called Skegness. It was recently voted the worst beach in Britain and in one poll a worse holiday spot than Syria so not exactly a hot spot for tourists. It is still a beach though and I have missed seeing the sea this year. We contemplated driving to the seaside but decided to stay closer to home today instead so I can't post photos of Skeggie for you today. While I still have some free time, I might sneak off to the beach for the day after I drop the kids at school.
It was a lovely sunny day today. One of those weird temperature days where you can't decide if it's hot or cold. Rather than the beach, we decided to go for a walk and drove to a village near us and went to the woods and a park in the trees that we hadn't visited before. Not quite as exciting as the sea, but I do love the woods as well. There's something magical about how the light filters through the leaves and the silence and the grandeur of the trees. We had a lovely walk and the grumpy teenager was restored to happiness and we came home hungry to eat pizza.
Overall it was a great day and good for my soul. My quote for the day is a poem about trees by Joyce Kilmer,
I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray.
My photo for today is of my family enjoying the trees.